Welcome Note:

Welcome to tegan.training, your trusted partner in fitness. We are committed to helping you achieve your goals while prioritizing your well-being.

Important Disclaimer:

The information provided on this website is a general guide only and is not intended as medical advice. It is crucial that you consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or are pregnant.

Liability Waiver:

By using our services, you acknowledge that tegan.training is not responsible for any injuries or harm sustained during exercises performed as part of this program. You agree to take full responsibility for your own actions and well-being during workouts.

Individual Circumstances:

Please note that the information provided is not tailored to your specific circumstances. You should evaluate whether this program is suitable for you, taking into account any health conditions or limitations you may have.

Listen to Your Body:

Always listen to your body during exercises. Stop if you experience pain or discomfort. Proper form and technique are essential to minimize injury risks and maximize effectiveness.

Standard Legal Sections:

By using this website, you agree to these terms and conditions. Thank you for choosing tegan.training to support your fitness journey.